This week Brian and Jasonn chat about Jason going to see Brother Cane. They go on to talk about Them Dirty Roses getting a gold record for Cocaine And...
Brian and Jason discuss music journalism, and Riley Couzzourt, and Logan Tolbert from The Georgia Thunderbolts appearing in Vintage Guitar magazine. T...
Monday, December 28, 2020Episode 21 Chris Robertson from Black Stone Cherry
Brian and Jason discuss Kentucky's connection to southern rock, specifically The Kentucky Headhunters. Then the guys welcome their guest Chris Roberts...
Monday, December 21, 2020Episode 20 David Hudson and Ian Rice from The State Of Amorica
Brian and Jason discuss how extremely important The Black Crowes are to their musical taste and to the podcast. They chat specifically about the epic ...
Tuesday, December 15, 2020Episode 19 Southern Brotherhood
Brian and Jason talk about their favorite English bands influenced by the blues. Then the guys welcome their guests, from across the pond, Andy Southe...
Monday, December 7, 2020Episode 18 Guitarist Special, Dylan Palmiero, Andrew Davis, and Riley Couzzourt
Brian and Jason discuss their favorite guitar tandems, review the latest Blackberry Smoke live stream from The Tabernacle in Atlanta, and preview the ...
Monday, November 30, 2020Episode 17 Southern Governor
Brian and Jason discuss some of their favorite 3 piece bands. Then the guys welcome their guests, Patrick Galanis, Josh Galanis, and Stacey Galanis, f...
Monday, November 23, 2020Epispode 16 Scotty Bratcher
Brian and Jason discuss the upcoming Blackberry Smoke homecoming live stream from the Tabernacle in Atlanta, where they're playing The Whippoorwill in...
Monday, November 16, 2020Episode 15 Stone Senate
Brian and Jason chat about Nashville as the music mecca that it's known as in the US. Next the guys welcome their guest Clint Woolsey, singer and guit...
Monday, November 9, 2020Episode 14 The Georgia Thunderbolts
Brian and Jason discuss a brief history of Georgia singers and musicians. Then the guys welcome their guests, singer TJ Lyle and guitarist Riley Couzz...
Monday, November 2, 2020Episode 13 David Goldflies
Brian and Jason welcome former Allman Brothers bass player David Goldflies to the podcast. They chat with David about playing bass on Ram Jam's versio...
Monday, October 26, 2020Episode 12 Tyler Bryant- Pressure album release
Brian and Jason chat about the 43rd anniversary of the Lynyrd Skynyrd plane crash, and the fact that it would've been Tom Petty's 69th birthday on thi...
Monday, October 19, 2020Episode 11 Shawn Pittman
Brian welcomes brand new co-host Jason Johantges. Brian and Jason are joined by their guest Oklahoma native and blues guitarist Shawn Pittman. The gu...